- The summer term is an additional Academic Term that may be offered during the summer break, typically for about eight (08) weeks during June-July. The minimum number of teaching days in the summer term shall be thirty (30) days.
- The course(s) offered in the summer term are delivered in a shorter term of about 8 weeks (with a minimum of thirty teaching days). However, the total number of contact hours for these courses are as per the course credit structure. The course contents/syllabus and the continuous assessments and evaluation patterns for these course(s) would also remain the same as prescribed in the handout.
- The Departments/Schools desirous of offering courses shall announce the details of the courses on offer for registration in the summer term on the dates scheduled in the academic calendar or dates announced through University notifications.
- A student may re-register for the concerned course(s), if offered, in which the student had received the F grade (Fail) in the earlier semesters, so as to complete the concerned course(s) and earn the concerned credits. The classes may be conducted on online or offline mode for summer term.
- A student may re-register for the concerned course(s), if offered, in which the student had received lower grades in the earlier Semesters, to improve her/his performance and secure higher grades in the course(s) and improve the CGPA.
- A student who wishes to register for the summer term must complete the registration process on or before the last date for Registration as specified in the academic calendar or the University notification to this effect. No late registration shall be permitted.
- A student can register for a maximum of three (03) Courses during summer term.
- Attendance requirements shall be applicable to all the students registering for course(s) in the summer term.
- A student cannot request or demand for a specific course to be offered. It is completely the prerogative of the department to offer any course considering various constraints.
- The student shall remit the registration fee per course, as prescribed by the University from time to time, within the date specified for payment.
- A course that is offered may be withdrawn if the number of registrations for the concerned course(s) is less than ten (10). Further, if the course is withdrawn due to lack of the minimum number of registrations required (i.e., 10), the registration fee for the concerned Course shall be refunded to the students who had registered for that concerned Course.
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